
Our store offers a Fast Returns service .

Quick Returns is a service that allows you to return your orders free of charge to selected stores via Paczkomat machines located throughout Poland.

You can send a parcel with a return in two ways - through the InPost Mobile app or using the website

Method 1: Send your return on the InPost Mobile app

  1. Open the InPost Mobile app
  2. In the bottom menu, click the "Return" icon
  3. Enter the name Volcano Gaming. You can also select the package to be returned from the list of your shipments below.
  4. Fill out the return form.
  5. You can find the return code in the InPost Mobile app and in the email message
  6. Prepare the return package - if you use the same box, remove the old label
  7. Just write the return code by hand on the package. You don't need to print a label.
  8. Send a package at any Parcel Machine - just scan the QR code from the InPost Mobile app by applying it to the reader on the device or select the parcel sending options on its screen and enter the return code manually.
  9. Place the package in the box, close it. And there, you're done!

Method 2: Send your return on!

  1. Go to
  2. Select Volcano Gaming from the list of available stores.
  3. Fill out the return form.
  4. You can find the return code in the InPost Mobile app and in the email message
  5. Prepare the return package - if you use the same box, remove the old label
  6. Just write the return code by hand on the package. You don't need to print a label!
  7. Send a package at any Parcel Machine - just scan the QR code from the InPost Mobile app by applying it to the reader on the device or select the parcel sending options on its screen and enter the return code manually.
  8. Place the package in the locker and... done!

You can find video instructions at: